Break Up
Suffocating relationship
Dear (Name),
We have only known each other for a short while, but it’s been long enough for me to know you care a lot about me. Well, I care a lot about you too, but I think that your expectations towards me are a bit high.
You say you’re completely in love with me and you tell your friends about your dreams of having children and a family; I, on the other hand, am totally cool about all this. Do you know that song that goes: “While I have a Coke, she thinks of marriage…”? In this case, I think it fully applies because I just don’t feel ready. So before things between us move to a different level, I think it would be best if we stopped seeing each other for the time being.
I don’t want to hurt you, so please consider this to be a proof of my friendship. At the moment, I want to be on my own, “having my Coke” and hanging about.
Trust me, if I’m telling you these things it’s because I want to be honest with you, and because you deserve someone better than what I have been so far.
Take care