I just want to protect and make you happy
Dear (name),
Don’t be surprised when you get this note, but, suddenly, I feel contaminated by your vibrant, vivid personality, and the independent way you have of living life beside you having the impression that you’re just a child, trusting who needs attention and protection. My protection!
Without wanting to interfere in your necessity of living freely, lightly, and out there, in your happy and informal manner, I am here to offer you all my care and to tell you some reasons that make me like you so much, even though I doubt that this idea never ran through your mind.
You are very sincere and short. Maybe you haven’t even realized it but sometimes I here coe out of your beautiful mouth fantastic facts about facts or people. And almost always your happy comments, fill my heart with joy and love. You are really very smart. Your sarcastic humor is a prove of that.
I like your way of dealing with the world, with an optimism that is almost irresponsible, and that is why I am enchanted with you. Ready to serve you, and making myself a candidate to be a happy prisoner of your heart. Accept this proposal!
A big kiss,