
A toast to our good old friendship

Dear friend,

I’ve suddenly realized the number of years we’ve known each other; I was amazed and quite happy at the same time, as nowadays a friendship as long lasting as ours is something quite rare.
I can’t real explain why we’ve kept in touch for such a long time, since our lives took such different turns and directions. But I believe that one of the main reasons that have always made us trust one another was the mutual respect for each other’s individuality and personality.
We have always been free to talk openly about anything, we’ve always shared opinions, have always give each other advise; yet, neither one of us ever tried to impose our will or point of view.
Besides, it has always been clear in our minds and hearts, that we would always be allies and companions and that we could always count on each other. Even now, that personal contact happens less frequently, we know we have in each other a friend, always a phone call away.
I believe that all this loyalty deserves to be celebrated and toasted. Therefore I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I miss you and that I would love us to meet and catch up on our conversation!

A friendly hug