I´m writing you to say you are a lucky woman, because by the time you receive this letter you will be free to do what you want, whenever you want, without giving satisfactions to anyone, and especially to me.
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I know you are unable to see and hear me, I know you are suffering in this isolation, but I have to tell you that this situation is very difficult to bear.
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You know, up until recently, the thought of writing a letter like this had never crossed my mind, and I can’t tell you what’s happened over night, but I totally lost all interest in you.
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This letter has one single aim: to refresh your memory, by reminding you of when we first met, that distant time when you would depend on me for everything, even as a compensation for your affective and financial needs!
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We agreed to take time apart to rethink our relationship. I am now writing what I have decided. When misfortune knocks at the door, the first thing that happens is love running out the window.
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You don´t know how painful it is for me to write this letter. I´m saying painful so that I don´t have to say revolting, because you have total conscience-i know that- of how much I was and am working hard so that the project will work out.
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I’m not exactly sure how to put this, after all it’s not your fault, in fact you’re very caring and nice to me, but I don’t want to be your girlfriend anymore.
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I don’t want you to think that I am writing to ask you to reconsider and come back to me. Nor that I ever wished it would happen some day. Because of the way you did things, you would never deserve my trust again.
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I must admit that things between us had a great and beautiful start. Yet, a few weeks later, it seems that none of the promises that we planted in those fields we created has flourished.
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I never thought I could one day be writing you these words. My heart was so filled with love for you. This morning when I feeling so lonely, it was still my heart that pushed me into saying "I love you"...
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You know, ever since the first time I saw you I felt something wasn´t going to work out between us? Not that it was necessary for you to pay the first bill all by yourself,...
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Look, you may not understand but the time as come to put an end to our short story. It’s not that you haven’t been nice to me. I also tried to be caring when I was with you.
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I give up on standing your idiotic actions. Keep your truths and certainties to yourself and leave me alone, because I can´t stand your bad mood and your tendency to think you´re always right.
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I´ve told you many times that, to me, the worst venom to a relationship is jealousy. When it´s sick. Then it´s fatal. Everytime I told you that you pretended to agree, shook your head timidly and promised to change.
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sometimes, I’m under the impression that not even you believe in the things you say. Well, this is a characteristic that doesn’t match my personality and the way I look upon the world, so, it’s all over between us.
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This time you went to far. I wasn’t born to play the clown. You think you are the smartest person in the world and that every body else is stupid, but that’s not really how things are.
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We have only known each other for a short while, but it’s been long enough for me to know you care a lot about me. Well, I care a lot about you too, but I think that your expectations towards me are a bit high.
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