I know we have argued too much lately and I know that neither I nor you like to live like this; it’s not good for either of us.
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Mother, everything is very difficult, and I know it is the same for you too... But on the other hand, I know that you are the only person I can count on in this world...
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I'm feeling in my heart a wonderful feeling for you. I love you very much, you know it and I’m sure you feel my affection.
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Agreeing with the popular frase saying... "there`s just one mother..."I disagree. There`s tons of moms. But a mom like mine, you won`t find in any place in the whole wide world.
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I know we’ve had a few problems in our relationship lately; but who knows, since today is mother’s day and all, maybe we could have a better and more flowing conversation.
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Today is your day and all I can say is “Happy Mother’s Day”. You really are marvelous and you always thought of me being well, in my comfort, and the best for me.
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It`s an honor to be your son (daughter). You are a woman that deserves all the respect and all the glory that a human-being can deserve, because you are always ready to interfere and resolve all of the dificult situations.
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Even though we dont always agree, or have the same opinion on a specific subject, I believe our relationship is the best in the world, because I`m sure it is based on friendship, and love from both sides.
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From now on, I do not want to miss any anniversary without remembering to pay tribute to my mother, a reminder to stay indelibly in our minds, both yours and mine.
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Know that you are the sweetest creature I've ever met in my life. Besides having put me in the world, you have taught me to walk and enjoy jellies.
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Today I woke up thinking about you, of all the good things you`ve proportioned me, and continue to proportion me with. You are the sweetest and most caring creature that I`ve ever met,...
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The most important date on the calendar is coming, it will soon be Mother's Day. I wish you a very happy day because you deserve all the happiness as you are the best mother in the world.
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On this special Sunday, dedicated to honor mothers, I wish you have a very happy day and feel the warmth that I have for you and all the gratitude and love I feel for you.
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I really am missing you! Even though we didnt sit down and talk (that old "mother-daughter" conversation), because we lived together, being fisically close to you gave me the secure sensation...
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Even though you may not realize it, I’m always worried about you, and many times through out the day, it comes to me, the memory of you and the desire to know if you are well in everything.
It’s true!
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When it's Mother's Day, along with the nostalgia I'm feeling now, comes the memory of the first day that I lived with you. My heart is full of happiness, to have been chosen by you.
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I swear I thought of writing you a letter, but then I gave up. Not because you don`t deserve it, but because what I have to tell you could be said less formally, where you wont have to be wasting your time reading this and can relax,...
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Congratulations! I can imagine how happy you must be bringing to our world another pure and beautiful human being. Living the first nine months of it´s life, right next to your heart it must be full of greatness in it´s own.
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Dear and beautiful, because I believe there isn`t a woman on this earth as beautiful as you. To me, you`re the only one who really worries, night and day, in knowing if I`m doing okay, with my body...
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I know I didn’t have to say how special you are or how much we’ve been through together, because we will continue to be like that forever. I know I didn’t have to send this letter to show such a lived and living love,...
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