The year has come to an end and, fortunately, once again we will spend Christmas together. I wonder what everything Christmas is about. I breath deeply, thinking God for this air that gives me...
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Another Christmas is coming and another year is coming to an end. And what a year! An endless year, full of uncertainties, fears and losses.
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Once again we celebrate the birth of Jesus and once again our hearts are filled with hope for a better world. What could I wish for you, who have always been so kind to me and always guided me towards the best?
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This year, despite all the humanity is going through with the world pandemic, we may have the best Christmas in recent times. It just depends of us...
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This Christmas, even though separated by the pandemic, and the isolation that we impose ourselves, out of love to protect each other, my greatest wish is that our hearts are full of hope...
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Christmas is coming, time in which, naturally, our souls become sensitive to the absence of those people that are dear to us, distant in a way that makes the heart ache a little...
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In this moment, when the store clerks are busy, eyes and ears scanning the TV and radio in search for the best Christmas offers, my thoughts turns to the live meaning of Christmas...
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Christmas songs synthesizes almost everything I’d
like to say to you! I think this Christmas we should
thank God (or ask, if that’s the case) for our
health and the strength he gives us to work...
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Another year comes to an end... It’s a time to renew
your hope, To try and hear the birds singing, to
thank God for every ray of sun he sends to lighten
up our days.
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One more Christmas! Once again we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and once again our hearts are filled with hope for a better world.
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This Christmas my biggest wish is that our hearts are full of hope and that our souls move always in the same direction.
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The best gift I could’ve received this Christmas I have already received, because the best thing in the world is your sweet company, the peace and love your presence brings to my heart.
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Another year has gone by, another page turned on the book called life, once again I have the impression we got over the obstacles in our way, beside the difficulties.
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Maybe you don’t know, but it’s really hard to write something about Christmas. I get really sensitive at this time of year especially seeing in you all that I need.
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If I had to ask for a Christmas gift, I’d ask for you never to be away from me. Because you’re so special to me that I’m not satisfied seeing you just for a day, a party, a week, or even a month...
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I don’t know if I should thank Jesus or Santa Claus,
but having you in my company is the best gift anyone
could receive.
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